Monday, May 18, 2015

May 16 - Vegetable Garden Week 7

Everything is growing! It's so nice to have radishes because we've already gotten to harvest a few and eat them. This is great because most things (tomatoes, beans, eggplants, cucumbers, etc) won't be ready for a few months. We put down mulch to try to keep down weeds and hold in moisture (we didn't do it last year) so hopefully that will make life easier in the long run.
Look at the radishes! I had to thin them, so we got to eat a bunch of little radishes. The regular radishes are growing much fast than the watermelon radishes.
The strawberry plants are flowering. 
I planted a bunch of marigolds. They give the garden some bright, pretty color, and also keep away some bag bugs. 
The snap peas were growing quickly so we put on the stakes for them. 
Look at all the pretty radishes!

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