Sunday, January 15, 2012

Homemade Tortilla Chips

Usually, when I make my own chips, I toss them with oil and roast them because it's a bit healthier, but for the Mexican Feast, I wanted to do the real thing. It's really easy to do, and they chips are crispy and thicker than store bought chips. Perfect for complimenting homemade salsas.

To make 64 chips

8 yellow corn tortillas
1/2 cup-1 cup vegetable oil

Pile the tortillas on top of each other and slice down through them so that each tortilla is in 8 equal pieces. Poke the tortilla pieces with a fork to avoid air bubbles when you fry. Heat the oil to about 375 (or until a chip sizzles when it hits the oil). In batches, fry the chips for about 30 seconds each side. Drain chips and toss liberally with salt on a paper-towel-lined plate. Continue with the rest of the chips, then put them in a bowl and eat!

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