Thursday, September 22, 2016

Collard Wraps

Has anyone tried collard wraps? Seems to be the new thing! I had my first one from Bare Burger when I was deep into gestational diabetes and had a moratorium on carbs. It's kind of genius. You can use a big, sturdy collard leaf to wrap up anything that you would normally use a tortilla to wrap. You can do burritos, wraps, sandwiches, etc. I tried it for a desk lunch and it was quick and delicious, and of course, healthier than a couple big slices of bread or a big tortilla. Will definitely be doing this more! I stuffed the wrap with some sriracha chicken salad.

You just wash and dry a big collard leaf, put it vein-side-up and shave the vein down to be the same level with the leaf (to make it more pliable), then use the leaf as you would use a tortilla or wrap. 


  1. Hi Sybil: it's me, Tish B. -- just wanted to congratulate you on having a baby! I stopped by and saw Sam last time I was in BH and he told me the news. Love your blog posts and really appreciate what an intrepid cook you are! Hope you and Jamie are v. happy in #102...

    1. So nice to hear from you! We love 102! (Especially the amazing kitchen you left for us!)
