Monday, July 16, 2012

Week 17

When I got out to Southampton last Friday, I was happy to see my garden had exploded! I guess all that hot weather really helped. The tomatoes are like 6 1/2 feet high! It's like a forest. Everything is looking healthy and happy, and we even had our first tomatoes! The black cherries, mini orange, and striped tigerella had a few that were ready. So delicious.
Here it is from the side. See how tall those tomatoes are? It's crazy!
This is one of the big Japanese Trifeles. There are like 10 more on the bush.

Here are both beds. The tomatoes are huuuuge, but the other things are doing well, too. (Brussel Sprouts, Swiss Chard, Beets, etc)
Look at my little cucumbers! They're so cute and covered in spikes. We had one that was ready and it was so fresh and tasty. The skin is too thick to eat, but easy to peel off. Can't wait to make some tzatziki with these!
The Super Sweet 100s are enormous, and covered in tomatoes. They have long strands covered in little green ones - and some red - now. We're going to have to share our tomatoes this summer.
The Snap Peas were finally ready to go. There were a few left on there, but they were drying out and dying, so Jamie so nicely cut them down. That also gave more room to the tomatoes. They like air circulation. And I planted some more basil in their place.
Yay! My rhubarb is finally looking really great. Lots of big, pretty leaves and ruby red stalks. None of the stalks are big enough to eat yet, but it they are, I will be making some pie this summer.
My zucchini plants are doing well. Lots of blossoms and a few little zukes. Had some fried zucchini blossoms last night. Mmmmm.
The mini orange tomatoes are taking over. I thought it would be a bushy variety, so I didn't cage it. It's spreading all over the bottom half of the bed. I hope we get eggplants and hot peppers! The lettuce had to be yanked out because it went to seed when I was away and turned into huge stalks. 
Had some beets and carrots, too!
My two nieces were very enthusiastic gardeners. Grace and Daisy helped me pick carrots and carry tomatoes back to the house. Aren't they adorable?

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