Monday, March 19, 2012

Garden Bed #2

Jamie and I were out in Southampton with our garden plan this weekend and ready to dive into this year's garden. It feels great to be outside and working in the dirt! Very satisfying. We built a second garden bed, so it was back to Riverhead Building Supply for wood and Lynch's for LOTS of dirt and composted manure.
We found out they do free delivery, so that was great. We put the new garden together pretty quickly - after doing the first one last year, we're old hands now.

Once the grass was torn up and the frame was built, we started loading the frame with top soil and the composted manure, and added some extra to the first bed to fill it up and rev it up for another growing season.
According to Martha Stewart, it's tradition to plant peas on St. Patrick's Day. We constructed a trellis out of three stakes and some twine. It should be great for the peas, and in mid-June when the peas are done, we can just take them down to make room for everything else.
After the stakes were in, we planted the peas. We planted Wando Peas in one bed and Sugar Snap in another, so we'll see if there's any difference. (Both Burpee) Then we also planted chiogga beets, multi-colored carrots, and brussel sprouts. We planted one row of each the carrots and the beets but left room for a second row to be planted later so we can get two harvests.
There was also a beautiful little crocus in the middle of the yard! Hooray for spring!
When we got back to the city yesterday afternoon, it was incredibly beautiful outside so Jamie and I treated ourselves to an al fresco beer in the sun at Spunto.

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