Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Garden Week 12

Everything looks awesome, and we had tons of peas! (I also yanked another carrot with overcrowding as my excuse. It's just too fun to pull them out.)
Those on the left are the Organic Pea Wando and on the right are the Sugar Snap (both Burpee). The Wando are not as tall and a little flatter and the Snap Peas are like 7 feet tall.

The Brussel Sprouts are taking over. The Swiss Chard is struggling a little. The lettuce is still great.
Aaaaand, we have our first tomato!!! I'm so excited! It's from the mini orange tomato plant. Yay. Since it's a cherry tomato anyway it probably doesn't have much more to do before it's ripe and ready for eating.
In the middle there are the pepper plants and eggplant plant that were in a wall o water. They are very happy and tall. Hopefully it's warm enough for them now! And around the corner on the right is my pretty pink zinnia plant.
There are some more flowers on another tomato plant (the Japanese Trifele I think). I'd already picked off the first flowers - so hard to do - so this is from the second round. I admit, there are more flowers now.
And that little flowery thing is the first cucumber! This is getting fun.
There's Jamie picking peas. Yum.

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