Monday, May 7, 2012

Vegetable Garden Week 7

Back out to Long Island this weekend to check on the garden! It's doing really well! The Swiss Chard is sprouting well, the beets are really happy. Brussels Sprouts too. Lots of good greens! I'm excited that I don't have to thin the beets until the leaves are about 4-5 inches high, then I can eat the baby beet greens in salad. Perfect! The peas are almost a foot high and are really hanging on to the string. Hopefully, by June we'll have tons of snap peas to snack on. And since we planted them earlier this year, they're much further along than this time last year - so we'll get peas earlier, yay!
The warm weather plants inside the wall o waters are much happier than those outside.

Above are two hot peppers and an eggplant in the wall of water, and below, one eggplant outside. It's not dead, but it's not thriving. I'm hoping the current warmer weather and rain will help it.
The lettuce is doing really well, especially the arugula. Can't wait for more salad this summer! There are two little cucumber sprouts, but I think a bug has been chewing on them. We'll see.
I think two carrots are sprouting (which isn't a whole lot considering I planted two rows, but maybe more will come? If not, I'll fill them with something transplanted from the farmers market.)
The zucchini is looking pretty happy, too.
We had some worms crawling around too, and they're great for the garden! They aerate the soil and make it more nourished etc.
And the rhubarb looks pretty good. Something may be chewing on it a little, so hopefully the deer spray will stop that. The leaves are big though. Hopefully it will grow more this summer.
We had our friends Chip and Siobhan out for the weekend and Jamie and Chip actually went in the ocean. Crazy people! Sunday was so pretty at the beach.

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