Monday, May 21, 2012

Arugula and White Bean Dip

After a very successful weekend in the garden, I had lots of arugula to take back to the city. Now I'm just wondering what I'm going to be making all summer with this excess of the peppery plant. Last night when we got back to the city we knew we were having a light dinner of this awesome pizza and salad, so I wanted a little dip while we caught up on Thursday night TV.
I mashed up a garlic clove with some kosher salt and put it in a food processor with about a cup of arugula and a little olive oil and ground it down. Then added about 1.5 tbsp grated Pecorino and pulsed. Then added 1 can of white beans, drained, and about 2 tbsp water and 1 tbsp olive oil and pureed. I added salt, pepper, honey (only a drizzle to fight the bitterness), and cayenne to taste and blended it until smooth. It was super tasty! Really light with that peppery bite of fresh arugula. Jamie loved it. We ate it with carrots before our pizza course and an evening of Game of Thrones and Mad Men. Haven't Sunday nights gotten so great with that TV line up? Makes looking forward to Monday a little less sad.

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